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Cowboy at Work

Pro rodeo events

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This event is the most physically demanding of all the Rodeo events. A cowboy must ride a horse with no saddle for eight seconds. He receives a score if he survives the eight seconds. This is a judged event and the highest score wins.

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Ladies Barrel Racing

In Barrel Racing, cowgirls navigate a course consisting of circling three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern. This is a timed event, so the fastest cowgirl wins. Penalty seconds are awarded for knocking over the barrels.

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Steer Riding

This event is the training ground for future bull riders. Young contestants aged 11 – 14 compete on wiry bovines.


As with the other rough-stock events one half of the score is awarded for the contestant’s ability to ride and the other half is for the stock’s ability to buck. The cowboys are allowed to ride with one hand or two.

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Team Roping

Two cowboys are required to compete in this event. One person must capture the steer's head with his rope while the other is responsible for tying the steer’s hind legs. This is a timed event, and the team that can perform their duties the fastest wins.

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Bull Riding

The most dangerous of all the rodeo events. A rope with a handhold is wrapped around the bull. The cowboy can only use one hand while trying to survive riding the bull for eight seconds. This is a judged event and the highest score wins.

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Saddle Bronc

Like Bareback and Bull Riding, the cowboy must survive a ride for eight seconds without getting bucked off. This time the horse is saddled. This is a judged event, and the cowboy with the highest score wins.

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Steer Wrestling

Timing, speed, and control are all needed as the steer must be wrestled to the ground in the correct manner. This is a timed event, and the cowboy that can get it done correctly the fastest wins.

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Tie-Down Roping

This event shares many similarities with Steer Wrestling, except instead of wrestling a steer to the ground, the cowboy must catch a calf and tie it up in a specific way. This is a timed event, and the cowboy that can tie the calf correctly the fastest wins.


Jr Rodeo events

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Mutton Busting

Age Group: 5 & 6 


Jump on the back of a sheep and hang on for as long as you can. Children must provide their own helmet. 


Pre-registration starts June 1, 2024

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Calf Scramble

Ages 8-12


Grab the ribbon off one of the calves released into the arena.


No registration required, be at the north end of the arena at 45 minutes before start of Jr. Rodeo.


Pee Wee Barrel Racing

Ages 9 and under


Contestants must provide their own helmet and horse.


Pre-registration starts June 1, 2024

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Sheep Scramble

Ages up to 7


Grab the ribbon off one of the sheep released in the arena.


No registration required, be at the north end of the arena 45 minutes before start of Jr. Rodeo.

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Wild Pony Race

Ages 8 -13


Team of 3. Aim: stop the pony, get on and ride. 


Pre-registration starts June 1, 2024

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Jr Barrel Racing

Ages 10-14


Contestant must provide their own helmet and horse.


Pre-registration starts June 1, 2024

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The Airdrie Pro Rodeo is located North of Calgary and West of Airdrie. North on QE#2 (Deerfoot) to Airdrie then West on Highway #567 (Veterans Blvd) - 10kms (5.5miles). You will see the rodeo signage on the south side of the highway. ​

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